Ep. 12 Best of Times & Worst of Times

Episode 12 March 23, 2022 00:18:10
Ep. 12 Best of Times & Worst of Times
Bosses 4 Bosses
Ep. 12 Best of Times & Worst of Times

Mar 23 2022 | 00:18:10


Show Notes

Today, Jason Myer leads a discussion around the "best and worst" of the past couple of years, especially remote working and the current and future trends in business. Ayesha, Alisa, Josh, and Jason talk about the changes that have happened since COVID first started and what the future looks like for entrepreneurs. 

Is the Great Resignation real? Are people starting new businesses? What about current leases for brick and mortar businesses? 

In this episode, they answer those questions and more. If you have any questions, comments, or if you want to contact anyone on the podcast, reach out to [email protected]


Talking Points:

00:31 - Introduction

01:18 - The reverberating effect of COVID

04:05 - Current business trends in marketing

04:39 - Trends in law and leasing

07:00 - What do you do differently so you don’t fail during the next pandemic?

10:50 - The biggest source of over-optimism

14:41 - River Avenue Digital

15:05 - Boss Moves of the Week

16:33 - Conclusion


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