What I Wish I Knew

October 27, 2021 00:17:41
What I Wish I Knew
Bosses 4 Bosses
What I Wish I Knew

Oct 27 2021 | 00:17:41


Show Notes

Being a successful business owner isn’t easy, especially at the beginning. When you first start, you’ll be making plenty of mistakes. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

In today’s episode of Bosses 4 Bosses, Ayesha, Alisa, Jason, and Josh talk about what they wish they knew when they initially started their first businesses. They talk about their mistakes, the biggest misconceptions about starting a business, and the importance of knowing your formula for profit. 

Do you need a business plan? How do you know when you need to start hiring a team? When is it okay to quit? Is your formula for pricing profitable? Learn the answers to these questions and more during this episode of the Bosses 4 Bosses podcast.


Talking Points:

00:41 - Introduction

01:16 - Success is hard and learning lessons

02:09 - The biggest misconception about starting your own business

03:00 - Focusing too small

04:25 - Identifying yourself by the wrong titles and business plans

07:15 - Learning business lessons

08:30 - Know when to quit

11:55 - Make sure your formula for pricing is profitable

13:30 - Boss Moves of the Week

16:04 - Conclusion



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